8 tips for teachers in Nepal to make your online class effective

The spread of the coronavirus has forced every one of you back inside your home. It has resulted in challenges for everyone including all schools, colleges and universities. The educational institutes now have a tough challenge to move on with their classes. But, thanks to the technological advancement you have today, you have the privilege to conduct the classes online.

But, it is not as easy as it may seem for the teachers to effectively run the classes online. It is often difficult for the teachers to maintain student’s attention through online interactions than it is through the classroom. It is more difficult in Nepal as both students and teachers are not accustomed to formal online activities.

But, since the presence of a physical classroom can take time, both the teachers and students must be familiar and habituated with the online classroom. Today, we are providing some tips for the teachers to make their online classes as effective as possible.

1. Make it short and simple

Photo: Destination KSA

Since students cannot give attention for a long period, teachers can be innovative to create short and effective sessions for the students. The classes can be very precise and a proper routine can be maintained. Maintaining a fast pace along with breaking down information into small, easily digestible chunks can be an effective way. The length of the course can, however, vary according to the necessity. Also, if the length of the class is long, frequent intervals can be included.

2. Select the right tool

Photo: teacheracademy.eu

Testing all the tools available in the market can help find out the best tool for interacting with students. One must take time to learn the proper use of the tools. There are tutorials, videos, instructions that can help you to effectively use the tools as per your interest.

For example, there are different platforms on which you can host online classes such as Google Classroom, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Skype. Some Nepalis are even seen using Facebook Messenger for the classes. Just decide which is the best for you.

3. Use available technology

Photo: Teachthought

Online teaching not only provides challenges but also presents a lot of powerful electronic tools for the teachers to make the class more interesting and keeping students’ attention. There are so many tools that a teacher can use to make the class more fun and interactive. Since the students always look up to their teachers, understanding the use of such tools yourself first allows the students to use it confidently when it is introduced to them. Take making PowerPoint slides as an example.

4. Make it interactive

Photo: FortuneIndia

Silence may be effective inside the classroom, but it may not be the same during online classes. It can provide an excuse for the students to drift their attention somewhere else. Properly planned activities for the students can keep them properly engaged throughout the course. Group or individual engagement can be done during the classes for more interaction. Asking questions randomly to a random student can alert the students throughout the class. One-way communication can make the student lose their interest, but an interactive class is always fun to be in.

5. Give assignments and track them

Photo: Crazyforstudy

Giving assignments and keeping the track of the students’ progress is very essential. It allows you to know about the students’ knowledge on the subject matter and know what to provide next. Giving an assignment also means making the students serious about the class. Teachers in Nepal can use the platforms like Google Classroom and Zoho where the students can submit their works. These platforms are simple and easy for assignment submission.

6. Manage time effectively

Photo: Catalyst

The teacher needs to be aware of the time because the students always are. Students usually come with a fixed mindset when the time for the class is allocated. Anything overtime can distract the students from the content and the class itself. So, the teacher must come up with a proper plan for effective time management. Particular topics should be covered within the set time frame. This can help you maintain effectiveness on both sides.

7. Motivate the students

Photo: takeitpersonelly

Teachers should try to motivate their students as much as possible. Since no one can visit each other or go out, apart from focusing only on studies, the teacher should also keep motivating the students for a morale boost. The teacher can conduct games or let the students conduct games respectively. Providing an environment so that the students can interact with each other can boost their energy level and remain motivated at the same time.

8. Seek feedback and suggestions

Photo: Wallpaperflare

Whatever the preparation the teacher does, it is all for the students, so it is good to ask the students about the classes and get their feedback. The teacher should create an environment where the students can ask questions to the teacher without any hesitation. If students are facing any problems, the teacher can encourage them to be vocal about them and effective measures can be taken to solve those problems. This creates a bond between the teachers and the students and encourages the student to be more vocal about the problems.
