Motorbikes are the most used tools for commuting in Nepal. It is very convenient and useful on narrow roads such as those of the Kathmandu valley. Hence, there is a huge market for motorbikes in Nepal.
Getting a new bike for yourself can be very exciting and pleasant. But, if you know your way around, you can also get a pretty decent deal on a second-hand motorbike. So, if you are short of cash and comfortable with a used one, we can help you with the things to consider while buying a second-hand motorbike in Nepal.
1. Physical condition
The physical condition of the bike is the first thing everyone notices. It shows how the bike has been handled by the owner and how much care the bike has received. If possible, try to find out about the servicing history of the bike as well. Since it does not take too much time to check the physical condition of the bike, it is highly recommended to go through the details while inspecting. Do look for the screw and bolts; some might be missing from different parts.
2. Engine
The engine is the heart and most important component of any vehicle. If the engine is not right, the rest of the parts makes no difference. You need to hear it starting and running. Ideally, take it for a test ride so that the engine gets up to full operating temperature and you can make sure all gears engage correctly. Check the surrounding areas of the valve and engine covers for possible oil leaks. If the owner claims that the engine has been recently worked on, do ask for the bill to ensure what actually was done.
3. Fuel efficiency
Before buying a second-hand bike, you should probably check how much distance the bike has covered to date. This will give you the hint on how the bike has been used. If the bike has covered a huge distance in a short duration, it can be assumed that the bike has been used more than it should be. This should not be a problem if the bike has been taken proper care of; if not, this can be a huge problem for the buyer and the engine of the vehicle itself. Fuel efficiency should also be measured before purchasing the bike. A well-maintained bike will give you good fuel efficiency.
4. Tyres and wheels
It is recommended to check the tyres and wheels of the bike before purchasing the vehicle. An inspection of the wheels for the dents should be done. If possible, place the bike on the centre stand with the transmission in neutral and spin the back wheel. Watch it from both the sides and the rear to identify bends in the wheel. The same can be done with the front wheel using the kickstand and some help from another person.
There are also four-digit DOT numbers on the outer sidewall of the tyre. The first two digits indicate the week the tyre was manufactured, the last two indicate the year. Make sure the tyre has not been used for more than five years.
5. Exhaust and frames
Make sure that the exhaust system is still properly intact to the engine and chassis. Do check if there are any leaks in the exhaust as it will lead to more consumption of the fuel. While you are down for checking the exhaust, do spend a little time checking the frames as well. Do not buy the bike if there is any indication of impacts, cracks or repairs on the frames. Check around the headstock and major weld points for any signs of stress.
6. Clutch, brakes and suspension
Make sure the clutch is operating smoothly. If there is a bit of dragging on the lever, it might need lubrication or replacement. The smoothness of the clutch also indicates how the bike has been used by the owner. Check the disc plates to know if the owner has timely replaced the brake pads. If the disc pads are worn out and still used, it will cause deep scratches on the surface of the metal disc. It can be problematic while braking as well.
Similarly, suspension systems do not come cheap, so it would be good if you spot any issues before the deal is closed. Check the suspension for smooth action; there should not be any squeaks or grinding noises and forks should be entirely free from oil.
7. Electricals (Cables and wirings)
All the electricals on the bike should be intact, not exposed or badly repaired. Check the headlight on high and low beams. Check all the switches in the bike including indicators and horn. If the bike has a digital metre, make sure it is working by riding the bike for a few hundred metres. Make sure all the cables are properly placed.
8. Test ride

This is the most important part of the deal as this is the part that makes or breaks the deal. Upon the test ride, you will get to know more about the bike than you have observed.
You can check basically everything during the test ride. You can know if the brakes work perfectly or if the clutch is performing smoothly. You can also check the bearings while riding and also the transition of the gears. With a test ride, you will get hints on what to inspect closely. Do not hesitate to take the bike for a decent run during the test ride. You will also know how much the bike has to offer in different conditions and of course you will get to know the pick-up power of the bike.
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