Chitwan hospital prepares to launch plasma therapy for Covid-19 treatment

File: Bharatpur Hospital

Chitwan, August 26

After a successful experiment in Kathmandu, hospitals outside the capital have also begun efforts to use plasma therapy technology for the treatment of serious Covid-19 patients.

Bharatpur Hospital in Chitwan says it has launched preparations to try plasma therapy. The number of patients requiring intensive care has tripled in the district in the past three months.

Dr Pramod Paudel, the hospital’s Covid-19 treatment coordinator says, “We have asked the Regional Blood Transfusion Centre to cooperate.” Currently, seven Covid-19 patients have been kept in intensive care units of the hospital.

The centre’s chief Ramesh Paudel says the centre is preparing to remove recovered patients’ plasmas and give to the ailing patients from 8 am to 5 pm every day.

Plasma therapy is a medical process of removing a plasma with antibodies against a virus from the person who has combatted the virus and giving it to the second person to help him/her fight the disease. Various other countries have also used their method in the Covid-19 response. In Nepal, Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital, for the first time, had successfully used it earlier this month.
