China hikes visa fee for Nepalis

Chinese-Visa-Application-Center-KathmanduKathmandu, February 24

The Chinese government has increased the visa fee for Nepali citizens. The new fees are more than two times the existing ones. The revised fee is now Rs 6,200 from the previous Rs 2,200.

According to the previous tariff, China used to charge Rs 2,200, Rs 4,900 and Rs 6,200 on applications to receive the visa within four days, three days and two days respectively. The visa centre will now charge extra Rs 3,900, Rs 5,050 and Rs 7,800 respectively.

The visa centre says it increased the costs because of the revised expenses on employees, equipment, and legal tax provisions in Nepal.

With this, China has also increased the fee it had charges on the citizens of other nations.

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