Movers&Shakers, now M&S VMAG, started out as the special Friday supplement for the national daily, The Kathmandu Post. Its first print edition went on stands on October 25, 2013 and the first video magazine that started with its 13th issue was released online on January 16, 2014. The video episode was hosted by a new girl that we had never heard of and by the end of the 19-minute episode, we were like, “Whoa! She’s good, like really good!” and that’s when we played it again to find out her name that we had not noticed earlier; and the name was – Oshin Sitaula.
Yep, that’s her from the very first episode. Click on the picture to watch the full episode.
And well, the rest is now history. It won’t be wrong to say that many people don’t exactly know Oshin as a girl from M&S but they know M&S because of her. It’s no secret that she has played a huge role in success and popularity of this media house; and we are so glad to see her finally being rewarded for her good work. Look at this.
Before we move ahead, here’s a quick relationship tip: Find someone who looks at you the way Oshin looks at her food.
Ok now, moving ahead, where were we? Oh, about being rewarded. Yes, what can be a better way of being rewarded for a foodie than getting to have lots and lots of your favorite delicious foods? Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, Oshin now has a new show that is all about food and it’s called Hunger Hunt.
Oshin along with her team have been exploring some of the best places to eat in and around Kathmandu Valley. The best thing about the show is that they don’t just go to some of the most renowned restaurants that we all already know about but have been introducing us to quite some new and interesting places.
So without further ado, here are the episodes. But before you watch them, we shall warn you that these videos contain extremely delicious stuff that will make you so hungry that you might feel like you haven’t eaten anything in ages . So, watch these at your own risk.
Below is the playlist of all the episodes.
Alternatively, you can watch the episodes on YouTube.
Everything looks so mitho, right? We can’t wait to try these places. Yum!!
If you’re feeling hungry, here’s a GIF of Oshin enjoying her choco lava cake to tease you even more. #SorryButNotSorry
The post Oshin Sitaula Has Been Exploring The Best Places To Eat In Kathmandu & We’re Drooooooling! appeared first on NeoStuffs.
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