Pranab Joshi who had debuted as a director with ‘Resham Filili’ last year had thoroughly entertained us with this Vinay Shrestha, Menuka Pradhan and Kameshwor Chaurasiya starrer comedy film. The director is back with a short film and this time, with a completely different genre. The 26-minute-film titled ‘Between Matina’ is a thriller that has Naswa Joshi in the lead and plays the title character who is obsessed with becoming the living goddess ‘Kumari’.
The film written by Susmita Maskey also stars Aresha Subedi, Sunita Thakur, Ram Raja Bhomi and Ruman Joshi. Directed by Pranab Joshi, the film is edited by Sushil Neupane. Talking about the film, “It’s a fictional film that revolves around a girl and how her life turns upside down when she is not chosen to be a ‘Kumari’. Originally a 45-minute-film has been shortened”, Joshi told NeoStuffs.
Watch the film below before you read our short explanation of the film at the bottom.
A short explanation of the film, just in case: A girl is obsessed with becoming a ‘Kumari’ but as she fails to become one,the story takes a horrifying turn and reveals her multiple personality disorder – one of an ordinary girl and the other who thinks of herself as a ‘Kumari’ and as the result, she thinks that she has the power to punish the priest who had declared her unqualified to become ‘Kumari’. The film ends with a scene after eight years where she is seen kept inside an asylum as she has completely left or forgot her original personality and is now uncontrollable.
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