You all definitely know by far about the new controversy Sahana Bajracharya has got herself into. The thing that started with the Euro Cup final match last night, doesn’t seem to be ending any time soon. Everyone have their own opinions on this matter, and so do we. Let’s see what we think of this whole incident.
Who exactly is Sahana Bajracharya?
Chances are very low that you don’t know who Sahana Bajracharya is but still, in case you live under a rock, the 27-year-old is a popular media personality who won the title of Miss Nepal World 2010 and represented Nepal at Miss Earth pageant held in Vietnam. She also represented Nepal at another international pageant, Miss Asia Pacific, held in S. Korea in 2011.
Now the story begins.
Long Story Short
Sahana wrote a Facebook status last night that offended football fans who abused her in comments.
Long Story
During the final match of Euro Cup 2016 between Portugal and France, a tearful Cristiano Ronaldo had to leave the field as he got injured and could not continue playing. And that’s the moment when all the drama started. No, we are not talking about the game, but the drama that took place in Nepal. Sahana took to her Facebook handle to write about the incident and this is what she wrote.
To be brutally honest, it was quite a stupid thing to write during such a crucial match when along with the Portugal star player, all of his fans around the world were in tears, including his Nepali fans. So it was quite obvious and pretty fair enough for the fans to get pissed off.
Talking about Sahana, she is not much of a football lover and she doesn’t have much knowledge about it. The one sport that she has a good information about is cricket, but football is just not her thing. We are quite sure that she was not watching the match because of the love for the game but most probably because of its hype or may be she wanted to gain some knowledge about this sport. Anyways, we wonder what made her write that particular status. Did she want to have some fun and crack a joke? Pretty bad timing we would say. Or did she want to just show that she too is interested in this game and she is watching it. Hmm! But whatever the reason was, she definitely should have thought about it for at least a trillion times before hitting that ‘Post’ button.
A person who has ever played any sport, even if at school level, would know the feeling of not being able to perform when your team needs you the most. That emotion, that sentiment, that feeling is beyond anyone’s imagination. Now imagine the scenario when it’s the final game of one of the most prestigious sport tournaments and you can’t play because of an injury. We are pretty sure that a ‘normal’ human being with some ‘sentiments’ inside them would definitely have tears in their eyes. And it’s not only that particular player, but the millions of his fans from all around the globe, would definitely shed a tear with him. And at that moment, if someone who doesn’t exactly know the importance of the game, tries to crack a joke or say something extremely insensible, it’s quite obvious for the fans to lose their temper. And that’s what exactly happened in this whole Sahana Bajracharya controversy.
And the current post of hers that you are seeing now is not exactly what she had posted originally. The original post had a different hashtag along with the text. This is what it read:
“Ronaldo should consider acting as a career change! #SoMuchDrama”
After some time when she observed that people are not happy with her post, she edited it and removed the hashtag. And a little later, when people started abusing her, she added two new hashtags to her post, making it read:
“Ronaldo should consider acting as a career change! #NoOffenseFans #CalmDown”
And as we can all see, that didn’t quite work out and people didn’t actually calm down.
As we said earlier, it was quite obvious for Ronaldo fans to get mad at her. But what we saw was something surprising. It was not only Ronaldo or Real Madrid or Portugal fans who immediately started condemning what she said, but it was a mass of football fans in whole. There were people who didn’t like Ronaldo but they were there to show their support for this beautiful game called football and for the people involved in it. It was quite amazing to see fans of different teams uniting.
The Ugly Turn
The story so far looks pretty normal and quite obvious but it started taking quite an ugly turn when the commenters instead of talking about her that particular remark, started attacking her personally. Within few minutes, the post had some of the most abusive words one can imagine. People started calling her a whore, slut, hooker and what not. They even brought up the scandal from two years back when she was allegedly caught making out with a co-worker in a car by Chitwan Police. That was absolutely a pointless thing to bring up as the two had been given a clean chit by the Chitwan Police, stating that they were only caught drunk driving and were ticketed for it; they were not caught in any inappropriate activity. But who really cares what the truth is when you have this wonderful opportunity to say whatever you like to say to someone you are pissed off at. And that’s when this whole thing turned into an ugly controversy.
One of the top comments on the post that had over 9,000 likes before it got deleted, read:
“I think you forgot the dancing car. Caught red-handed, but why didn’t you consider pornography as a career change?”
It was followed by another one, that said:
“Sahana Bajracharya should consider f**king as a career change. The f**k with you. The feels are real. Ronaldo is still so better than you. What if you were injured during your Miss Nepal’s finale?”
Another user wrote:
“Drama? Football is more than just a game. He is in the finals of having the chance to win it for his country after waiting for many years and he missed it. You think that’s drama? Drama is you posting this for attention. Screw you.”
These comments were followed by thousands of such other comments. It was okay until the people were talking about her remark and her lack of knowledge of football, but as soon as they started attacking her personally, it became cyber-bullying, which is not only unethical but illegal as well.
Final Verdict:
We live in a democracy and we have the freedom of expression. Fair enough. But this would never have become such a controversy if Sahana were not a public figure. And as a public figure is always have the attention of the people no matter what they do, say or act; they should actually think well before saying anything. Sahana did make a mistake as she hurt the sentiments of all the football fans and to some extent, she deserved to be reminded that she was wrong. But as soon as the football controversy turned into something completely ugly, that was the moment when this beautiful game we all love, started losing its charm.
Let’s respect the game, let’s respect people involved in it and let’s respect each other. Peace!
The post Sahana Bajracharya In Another Controversy, Here’s Our Take On It appeared first on NeoStuffs.
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