Manindra Aryal, an engineer, was assigned to make 500 units of solar lights by Mr. Bal Krishna Joshi to be provided to the earthquake victims living in the tents after the last year’s devastating earthquake. Shiva Ram Poudel, a social entrepreneur and the initiator of free highway toilet project, has been supported by Panchkanya Group for building his next projects. Anil Basnet, the founder of Metro Tarkari, has been provided a collateral free loan to purchase a delivery van for his online grocery retail business. These three entrepreneurs have their own inspiring stories of success and one thing that is common in all of them is, all three of them participated in a reality television show called ‘Idea Studio Nepal’, where they were not only guided and mentored on how to expand their works but were also helped to find themselves possible investors and helping hands for their projects.
After the successful first season in 2014, the show is back with its second season and it’s looking for you and your creative ideas to give you a platform that would help you turn your idea into a reality by guiding you and helping you find the people and companies that would help you grow. Idea Studio is now taking ideas from all the Nepalese around the nation regardless of their age, educational qualifications and work experiences. So, if you have an idea that you think is worth a go, do share it with the team and let them help you with the execution of it. You can submit your idea by emailing it to, or you can mail it to P.O. Box No. 376, Bakhondole, Lalitpur or you can also just submit it on the organization’s official website The deadline for the submission is July 21st. For any queries regarding the program, you can make a call at 01- 5520374, 5527977 or 9861289918.
The program was announced in an event held in Kathmandu on May 18th among the presence of various distinguished personalities from different backgrounds such as media, academia, private sector and social & development sector. Talking about the second season of Idea Studio, Chairperson Dr. Tsering Lama said, “Idea studio is a platform to develop and celebrate a complete eco-system of social entrepreneurs in Nepal, which ultimately restores human dignity based on knowledge creation and innovative approaches.”
You can watch all the episodes from the first season HERE. You can connect with the organization to stay updated on the program or to communicate with them on their official Facebook page HERE.
Good luck!
The post Idea Studio Nepal: If You Have An Idea, Here’s A Wonderful Platform For You appeared first on NeoStuffs.
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