We recently watched the trailer of an upcoming film titled ‘Jai Parshuram’. The action film is quite an anticipated one as action star Biraj Bhatta is making a comeback in Nepali cinema with this one. The film directed by Rose Rana also stars Nisha Adhikari and Robin Tamang. The trailer starts with Robin performing Puja in a temple, followed by some action sequences which look pretty good. Then enters Biraj who plays a super cop and it’s good to see him in a Nepali film after quite some time as the actor has been busier in Bhojpuri cinema lately. A few shots later, enters the leading lady, Nisha Adhikari, who is getting beaten by some goons. We scream to ourselves, “Come on Nisha, show them what you got. Kick that jerk’s balls so hard that he won’t be able to pee at least for a month. Remember, you have conquered the mighty Everest.” But our voice definitely doesn’t reach her as she keeps on getting beaten and harassed; and that’s what make us say, “Pfft! Not again.” [Watch the trailer HERE]
Just like our society, our cinema too is completely dominated by the males. If there is a female character in the film, her only role is to get kidnapped by the antagonist and just scream for help and do nothing. That’s how weak almost all the female characters in our films are shown. If she is fortunate enough, she will have a chance to sing and dance with the protagonist. That’s it. Yep, that’s totally it and we are tired and annoyed to see the same thing in every single freaking film. When our women are not only leading the nation but are going places because of all the inspiring things they have been doing, our films still have the same old – weak and poor image of the females.
And that’s where Rekha Thapa comes into the scene and changes everything. Her films might not attract the multiplex audiences and they might be limited to the single screens only; but there’s something in her films that most of the other films lack – it’s the value and strength of the female characters. Every film of hers shows what it really means to be a woman and how strong she can be. From Lanka, Rawan, Kali, Himmatwali, Tathastu to Rampyari and many more; she knows what a woman is capable of doing and that’s the very thing she shows in her films.
Dear Rekha Thapa, you are the queen of Nepali cinema and no matter how many others come and go, no one will ever replace you. Mad respect!
The post Here’s Why We Absolutely Love Rekha Thapa, The Queen of Nepali Cinema! appeared first on NeoStuffs.
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